Why intern in Japan?

Intern in Japan - Spring in Tokyo

This summer, CRCC Asia is offering students for the first time, the opportunity to intern in Japan! With many students having shown interest already, we want to outline to others, the advantages of interning this summer in Japan be it in Tokyo or Kansai.

Japan’s economy has surged over the last decade.  A recent FT report, “Tourist spending in Japan surges to record high”, confirmed that tourist spending in Japan has reached record highs of $40bn US dollars in 2017.

The economy has rapidly grown, due to inbound tourism and a weak yen.  There is still plenty of scope for the Japanese economy to continue growing.


Intern in Japan - Pink Japanese Leaves over Pond

CRCC Asia has identified that Japanese companies maintain a strong presence in every sector – from high tech to finance to fashion.  And that’s one of the main reasons that we are keen to offer opportunities in Tokyo this summer!

With Japan reaching its 2020 goal of 20m annual visitors in 2015 (5 years early), their new objective is now 40m visitors in the next two years. With the 2020 Olympics taking place in Tokyo, it is not long until the country is filled with tourists.  If you fancy exploring the wonders of Japan whilst gaining valuable work experience, why not undertake a CRCC Asia internship this summer?

Interested? Click here to find out more…  Or here to APPLY NOW to intern in Japan!

Source material:https://www.ft.com/content/fd09c298-fa96-11e7-9b32-d7d59aace167 ‘Tourist Spending in Japan Surges to Record High’

By Waverley Miller


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