Written by Winnie Sun
Monthly China Business Seminars are a chance for our interns to develop their 5 Learning Objectives with a boost in employability skills, sector-specific knowledge, or even an in-depth look at China‘s business and economic fields. This month, our four speakers embodied the topics of sport entrepreneurship, sport law, professional basketball training, professional football (soccer) in Peru, and sport research in China. Of course, we had to have an amazing venue to match, and were lucky enough to get a spot at MyCourt basketball court in Beijing.
The morning started with Adonis, who is the CEO and founder of MR Sports, and graduate in Sports & Leisure Management from Loughborough University. MR Sports approaches training differently than most – they are positioned to be a service industry, that both provides sports training, but above all, happiness.
Our next speaker, Tongxin, provided a governmental perspective on the sports industry in China, and she has involvement in the Sports General Administration, Chinese Olympic Committee, and All-China Sports Federation. Tongxin outlined some of the government’s direction of ambitions: winter sports for Beijing 2022, civilian athletic level, upgrading public health, youth training system, and China’s performing coaches.
Following Tongxin’s presentation, we heard from Griffin Zhang (Zhang Zihao), who is the representing professional coach from MyCourt, and has trained with Sun Yue and Stephon “Starbury” Marbury closely. Griffin encouraged our interns that personal skills are of course important in developing a craft, but self-discipline establishes the foundation of success.
We wrapped the presentation portion of the Seminar with Luis F. Checa’s speech on the development of football (soccer) in China. Having played professionally in Peru, Luis offers insight on the steps needed in order to build a top football team – and in all cases, governments have been involved in the process.
Our interns were intrigued by the different approaches to sports; afterwards, we organized a mini-game of “Bump” led by Griffin, and on the other court, a basketball tournament of six teams took place. Team CRCC Asia took a bronze medal home!
We’d like to thank MyCourt for hosting us and we are very much looking forward to our next China Business Seminar. Make sure you don’t miss it – Apply for an Internship Program or browse our career fields now!